

Activate and synchronize the GASPAR password with Active Directory

  1. Check the structure of the GASPAR Password
  2. Synchronize your password with Active Directory
  • Check the structure of the GASPAR Password.
      1. Your GASPAR password needs to have the following characteristics:
        • 10 characters minimum from 1st of july 2011 and
        • not the same as the previous password,
        • does not contain your name or identification keywords,
        • contains at least three of the four following characeristics:
          • small letters
          • numbers
          • other characters.

          For example: “Infor@2005” is a valid password.
          It is recommended to include at least 1 character above with the keys ALT+NUM LOCK numerical keyboard.

  • Synchronize your password with Active Directory
    1. Use Gaspar for activating the synchronization with the STI Domain:
      • Security benefit
      • Synchronization with Active Directory Account
      • Action: activate the synchronization
      • Next, you have to synchronize the password :
        • password
        • Synchronization with the Gaspar password.

        If an Error Message 800708C5 appears:

        This means that the GASPAR password is not complex enough:
        change the GASPAR password (try to add “@” in your password)


Laurent Kling 33511